CSPH 5102: Personal Wellbeing: The Journey of Self-Care

This course is offered in a blended format. Check the Schedule Builder for in-person meeting dates and times. Course will not be offered Spring 2025.

Graduate Students, Undergraduate students with junior status or above, or instructor consent.
Blue waves of water

Course Description

The initiation of a healer in ancient cultures was a rigorous process that included a personal journey of inner development and transformation that paralleled the learning of the cognitive and physical healing techniques. This course will introduce the student to the concept of the individual transformational journey. The science of mind-body-spirit approaches will be explored through a variety of methods including lectures, scientific literature review, meditation, imagery, journal writing, and social support through group interaction. Students will have an opportunity to explore various aspects of self-knowledge, self-awareness, transpersonal (non-local) experiences, and the paradoxical mysteries that will prepare them for their student and personal lives.

Contact [email protected] for additional information.


Course Format
Semester Course Offered:
  • Fall
  • Spring

CSPH 5102 Course Flyer (PDF)