Director, Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching Programs
Cherie in an orange plaid button down shirt and clear rimmed glasses


Fax Number
Mailing Address

Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing
C592 Mayo Memorial Building, 420 Delaware Street S.E., MMC 505
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States


Doctorate in Education, Higher Education Administrative, Student Affairs, 2012

Master of Science, Exercise Physiology, 2003

Bachelor of Science, Physical Education, Exercise Science, 2001

Licensures and Certifications

Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
Physical Activity in Public Health Specialist (PAPHS)
Certified Exercise Physiologist (EP-C)
Certified Health and Wellbeing Coaching (CHWC)
Exercise is Medicine Credential (EIM)
Qualified Administer of the Intercultural Development Inventory
IDEO Foundations in Design Thinking Certificate
AltMBA, Graduate of Seth Godin’s AltMBA program

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Dr. Cherie O’Neill (she/her) is the Integrative Health and Wellbeing Health Coaching Programs Director at the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing.  She is also the Owner and CEO of Wellness Coaching Elevated, a company dedicated to upskilling health and wellness coaches and an NBHWC approved training program the School of Inclusion Health Coaching.  Dr. O’Neill was a Senior Manager of Design and Development at Western Governors University Academy, a start-up in education that uses health coaching methodology and emotional intelligence interventions to help students manage the stressors of college life. She is a former Concentration Track Director/Associate Professor/Adjunct Instructor in the Ph.D. in Health Science program at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. She taught courses in wellness coaching and currently serves as a mentor for Ph.D. students whose dissertations are related to wellness coaching effectiveness and efficacy.  She is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and serves on the Exercise is Medicine (EIM) Credential Committee and authored the Behavior Change Module of the NEW EIM certification exam. She has served as an EIM Emerging Leader and speaks frequently on the topic of exercise and wellness coaching in healthcare. She is a contributing author in the American Council on Exercise's The Professional's Guide to Health & Wellness Coaching textbook. Dr. O’Neill has worked in various capacities in health and wellness fields including federal grants, health departments, health insurance companies, and healthcare systems in addition to education.  Dr. O’Neill has several certifications including: ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, Physical Activity in Public Health Specialist, Exercise is Medicine level two credential, and a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) by the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching. In addition, Dr. O’Neill is a Certified Health & Wellbeing Coach through WellCoaches and is a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory.

Research Interests

Dr. O’Neill’s research foci include efficacy of health coaching, health coaching in healthcare and chronic pain management, physical inactivity as it relates to vascular health, submaximal exercise testing, intercultural development of allied health professionals, and study abroad. 


Health and wellness coaching, health coaching competency development, exercise is medicine, behavior and mindset change Publications Peer-reviewed Journal Publications and Curriculum (former last names Kroh and Pettitt)


Notable Leadership Roles

Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, Exercise is Medicine Credential Committee for the American College of Sports Medicine


2018 Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine
2016 Exercise is Medicine Emerging Leader (competitive selection process), American College of Sports Medicine
2013 Luoma Leadership Academy, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (competitive selection process)
2013 Apple Polisher Award (student selected award for outstanding academic advising)
2011 Association for the Study of Higher Education 32nd Annual Graduate Student Policy Seminar (competitive selection process)
2011 College of Education Dean’s Scholarship for Doctoral Students.Understanding and Dismantling Racism Workshop Scholarship Vera Russell Graduate Student Travel Fund Scholarship


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications and Curriculum (former last name Pettitt)

  1. Kroh, Cherie. (2022) Behavior Change Module. Exercise is Medicine® Online Course. American College of Sports Medicine. June 2022
  2. Rethorn, ZD, Bezner, JR, & Pettitt, CD. (2021). From expert to coach: health coaching to support behavior change within physical therapist practice. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 7: 1-16.
  3. Rethorn ZD, Pettitt RW, Dykstra E, Pettitt, CD. (2020) Health and wellness coaching positively impacts individuals with chronic pain and pain-related interference. PLOS ONE 15(7): e0236734.
  4. Rethorn, Zachary & Pettitt, Cherie. (2019). What Is the Effect of Health Coaching Delivered by Physical Therapists? A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Physical therapy. 99. 10.1093/ptj/pzz098.
  5. Pettitt, CD. & Joy, E. (2018). Connecting Healthcare and Health and Fitness: Part I-Current Challenges and Barriers. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 23(2), 9-13.
  6. Joy, E. & Pettitt CD. (2018). Connecting Healthcare and Health and Fitness: Part II-Solutions & Call to Action. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 24(2), 9-15.
  7. Strom, C., Pettitt, RW, Krynski, LM, Jamnick, NA, Hein, CJ, & Pettitt, CD. (2018). Validity for a customized submaximal treadmill protocol for determining VO2max. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(9):1781-1787.
  8. Pettitt, C., & Macari, D. (2017). Intercultural Pedagogy in Study Abroad: The Experience of White Female Graduate Students. Academic Perspectives in Higher Education, 3(1), 2.
  9. Pettitt RW, Mehrhoff JB, Mandeville DS, Pettitt CD, Murray SR. (2017). Influence of elbow angle on the reliability and validity of bioelectrical impedance analysis. Journal of Sports Medicine and Therapy, 2, 138-144.
  10. Tremblay, MS, Aubert, Salomé, Barnes, Joel, Saunders, TJ, Carson, V, Latimer-Cheung, AE, Chastin, Sebastien, Altenburg, Teatske, Chin, A Paw, Mai, Aminian, Saeideh, Arundell, Lauren, Hinkley, Trina, Hnatiuk, J, Atkin, AJ, Belanger, Kevin, Pettitt, C, Chaput, JP, Gunnell, Katie, Larouche, Richard, Manyanga, Taru, Viren, T. (2017). Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN) - Terminology Consensus Project process and outcome. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 14.
  11. Buns, Matthew & Pettitt, Cherie & Blanton, Jedediah. (2017). Using the MAP-IT Framework for Implementing a Homeschool Physical Education Program at a University Campus. International Journal of Sports and Physical Education. 3. 11-17. 10.20431/2454-6380.0302003.
  12. Rohrig B., Pettitt, C.D., Kazenbach, T. and Pettitt, R.W. (2016). Psychophysiological Tracking of a Female Physique Competitor Through Competition Preparation. International Journal of Exercise Science, 10(2), 301-311.
  13. Pettitt, C.D., Danzl, K., Glorvigen, L.M., Strom, C.J., Inkrott, T. A., and Pettitt, R.W. (2016). Validity of the Bottle Buoyancy Model for Body Fat Determination, International Journal of Exercise Science, 10(1), 87-96.
  14. Younger, A.M., Pettitt, R.W., Sexton, P.J., Maass, W., Pettitt, C.D. (2015). Acute Moderate Exercise Does Not Attenuate Cardiometabolic Function Associated with a Bout of Prolonged Sitting. Journal of Sport Sciences, 1-6
  15. Jamnick, N.A., By, S., Pettitt, C.D., Pettitt, R.W. (2015). Comparison of the YMCA and a custom submaximal exercise test for determining VO2max. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 48(2), 254- 259.
  16. Pettitt, C.D. (2013). Wellness coaching certifications: A new Career frontier for personal trainers in healthcare. Journal of Strength & Conditioning, 35, 63-67.
  17. Pettitt, C.D. and Macari, D. (2012). Student affairs professionals as cultural facilitators to support intercultural development in study abroad. NASPA: Excellence in Practice, Fall, 38-40.
  18. Pettitt, R.W., Murray, S.R., Pettitt, C.D. (2008). J motion squats: an ancillary lift for enhancing Olympic- style lifts and power. The Sport Journal, 11:3.
  19. Pettitt, R.W., Pettitt, C.D., Murray, S.R. (2007). A theoretical method of using heart rate to estimate energy expenditure during exercise. International Journal of Coaching and Sport Science, 2:319-327.


Invited Oral Presentations (Regional, National and International)

  1. Pettitt, C.D. (November, 2016). Exercise is Medicine. Physical Activity for Health Annual Conference. Beijing, China.
  2. Pettitt, C.D. (October, 2016). Exercise is Medicine. 6th TAFISA World Sport for All Games (JATGOC). Jakarta, Indonesia.
  3. Pettitt, C.D. (October, 2016). Exercise is Medicine Ambassador Program. Northland Chapter ACSM Regional Fall Meeting. Mankato, MN.
  4. Pettitt, C.D. (September, 2016). Understanding the Socialization of Obesity Bias: Changing Hearts and Minds in Worksite Wellness. MnSCU Worksite Wellness Professionals Meeting. St. Paul, MN.
  5. Pettitt, C.D. (September, 2016). Understanding the Socialization of Obesity Bias: Changing Hearts and Minds to Help Those in Most Need. Bemidji Area Diabetes/Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Conference. St. Paul, MN.
  6. Pettitt, C.D. (April, 2015). Weight Loss and Yo-Yo Dieting: The Evidence vs. Practice. Southern Minnesota Nurses Expo, Mankato, MN.

Oral Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

  1. Pettitt, C.D. & Joy, E. (2018). Understanding Healthcare: A Tutorial for Exercise Professionals. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
  2. Pettitt, C.D. & Joy, E. (2017). Reimbursement Strategies for Healthcare Providers and Exercise Professionals. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  3. Pettitt, C.D. (2016). Understanding the Socialization of Obesity Bias: Changing Hearts and Minds to Help Those in Most Need. National Wellness Institute Annual Wellness Conference, St. Paul, MN.
  4. Pettitt, C.D. & Hartman, M. (2016). Lifetime Physical Wellness: Does Weight Loss Dogma “Fit”? National Wellness Institute Annual Wellness Conference, St. Paul, MN.
  5. Berry, T., Pettitt, C.D., Mead, C., Burnett, R., Harsma,E. & Carlson, J. (2016). Theatre of “isms”: An Interactive Platform for Recognizing Mechanisms of Power in the Form of Microaggressions. Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Deepening Race Equity in Education Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  6. Pettitt, C.D., Macari, D. (2012). Study Abroad Intercultural Pedagogy and the Development of Intercultural Competence. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators International Symposium, Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
  7. Pettitt, C.D., Macari, D. (2012). Using Intentional Pedagogy in Study Abroad to Develop Intercultural Competence. American College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
  8. Pettitt, C.D., Macari, D. (2012). Graduate Students Studying Abroad: Seeking the Globalism Thread. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
  9. Pettitt, C.D. (2011). Using Intentional Pedagogy in Study Abroad to Enhance Multicultural Competencies in Students from a CACREP-Accreditation College Counseling and Student Development Graduate Program: Lessons Learned from Travel to South Africa. Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
  10. Pettitt, C.D., Strom, A. (2011). “I Don’t Know Why I Am Here”: Helping Ambivalent Students Using Motivational Interviewing. Minnesota College Personnel Association Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN.
  11. Pettitt, C.D., Mills, M.R. (2011). The Manuscript Option: The Future of the Dissertation? Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC.
  12. Pettitt, C.D., Yunkers, R. (2010). One Person, Four Perspectives: The Mark of an Innovative Leader. Leadership Development Institute Conference. St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN.
  13. Pettitt, C.D., Espinoza T., Orth, S. Pettitt, R.W. (2005). Constructing a circular slide chart to increase awareness about walking or running on community paths and trails. Colorado Public Health Association, Snowmass, CO.

Teaching Experience

Adjunct Instructor, Associate Professor Jan 2019-Dec 2021

PhD of Health Science, Health Promotion & Wellness

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Provo, UT

  • Taught WE 710 Theories & Application of Wellness Coaching (co-taught) (Hybrid)
  • Assisted with the NBHWC program approval process
  • Mentored doctoral students including research methods and design, writing, and data analyses


Associate Professor, Concentration Track Director Jan 2017-2019

PhD of Health Science, Health Promotion & Wellness

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Provo, UT

  • Oversaw and mentored five faculty in health promotion & wellness
  • Monitored learning outcomes and assessment
  • Led quality improvement projects
  • Developed and wrote curriculum
  • Student mentorship/Dissertation Chair (Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, and Exercise Physiology students)
  • WE 710 Theories & Application of Wellness Coaching (co-taught) (Hybrid)
  • HS 877B-Doctoral Dissertation – Professional Development/Leadership (Online)
  •  HS 800-Dissertation Prep I (co-taught)-Research Methodology and Design (Hybrid)
  • HS 810-Dissertation Prep II (co-taught)-Research Statistics and Writing (Hybrid)


Assistant Professor Aug 2012-July 2017

Department of Human Performance, Exercise Science/Exercise Physiology

Minnesota State University, Mankato

Mankato, MN

  • Led development of Pre-PT program that could be completed in 120 credits from design to implementation
  • Designed and developed M.S. program in Wellness Coaching & Disease Prevention
  • Founded/Advised Exercise is Medicine Student Club
  • Served on numerous university committees including curriculum
  • Coordinator of Exercise Science/Exercise Physiology 2013-2014
  • HP 160-Introduction to Human Performance/Exercise Science
  • HP 291-Concepts of Fitness (Online)
  • HP 418/518-Intercultural Competence for Allied Health Professionals (Hybrid)
  • Development of intercultural competence through experiential learning, collaboration, and meta-cognitive activities while abroad through an anti-racism lens
  • HP 439-Nutrition for Sport & Performance with Lab (Online)
  • HP 466/566-Graded Exercise Testing & Prescription with Lab
  • HP 467/567-Worksite Wellness
  • HP 490/487-Applied Exercise Science (Internship/Service Learning) (Online)
  • HP 615-Research Methods & Statistics (Quantitative and Qualitative)
  • HP 645-Physical Activity & Chronic Disease (Service-Learning Project)
  • Guided development of pre-surgery exercise protocol (patient education product) for the Bariatric Surgery Department at Mayo Clinic Health Systems
  • HP 693-Graduate Seminar


Adjunct Instructor Jan 2012-May2012

Department of Human Performance

Minnesota State University Mankato

Mankato, MN

  • HP 439-Nutrition for Sport & Performance with Lab (Online)

Part-time Lecturer Jan 2006-May 2006

Department of Kinesiology

California State University, Fresno

Fresno, CA

  • KINES 104 – Information Systems and Technology with Lab
  • KINES 148 – Biophysical Aspects of Aging