Mary Jo Kreitzer, PhD, RN, FAAN
PhD, University of Minnesota (Health Services Research, Policy and Administration)
MA, University of Iowa (Nursing of Children)
BA, Augustana College (Nursing)
Mary Jo Kreitzer PhD, RN, FAAN is the founder and director of the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing at the University of Minnesota, where she also serves as a tenured professor in the School of Nursing. Within the School of Nursing, Dr. Kreitzer is the co-lead of the doctorate of nursing practice program in integrative health and healing.
She has served as the principal investigator or co-principal investigator of numerous clinical trials focusing on mindfulness meditation with persons with chronic disease including studies focusing on solid organ transplant, cardiovascular disease, chronic insomnia, diabetes, and caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Current studies include the role of mindfulness in improving human brain-computer interface; the use of social technology to enhance healing and wellbeing; nursing leadership in integrative health and healing; and mindful movement for physical activity and wellbeing in older adults.
From 2004-2007, Dr. Kreitzer served as the vice-chair of the Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine. In 2009, Dr. Kreitzer testified at a US Senate hearing titled “Integrative Health: Pathway to Health Reform” as well as the Institute of Medicine Summit titled “Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public”. Dr. Kreitzer regularly presents to practitioner and public audiences as well as at academic and healthcare conferences. She has authored more than 150 publications, and is the co-editor of the text Integrative Nursing published in 2014 by Oxford University Press. The second edition of Integrative Nursing was published in 2018.
Dr. Kreitzer earned her doctoral degree in public health focused on health services research, policy and administration, and her master’s and bachelor’s degrees in nursing.
Optimal Healing Environments; Integrative therapies and healing practices; Mindfulness-based stress reduction
- Kreitzer MJ, Jensen D (2000). Healing Practices: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Nurses in Acute and Critical Care. AACN Clinical Issues: Advanced Practice and Acute and Critical Care; Issues on Complementary/Alternative Therapies. (Kirksey and Lindquist co-editors) Vol 11(1):7-16.
- Halcon L, Leonard B, Snyder M, Garwick A, Kreitzer MJ: Incorporating alternative and complementary health practices within University-based nursing education. Complementary Health Practice Review, 2001 Vol 6(2):127-135.
- Halcon L; Leonard B; Snyder M; Garwick A; Kreitzer MJ (2001). Incorporating Alternative and Complementary Health Practices within University-based Nursing Education. Alternative Health Practitioner: the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Health Care. Springer Publishing Company. Pages 1279-137
- Kreitzer, Mary Jo (2001). Chapter 10, Meditation. For Mariah Snyder and Ruth Lindquist in Alternative/Complementary Therapies: A Guide for Nurses. 4th Edition. New York:NY, Springer Publishing Co, pages 101-113.
- Kreitzer, Mary Jo (2001). Visioning and Planning. Integrating Complementary Medicine In Health Systems. Nancy Faass editor. Aspen Publishers, pages 49-55.
- Matthees BJ, Anatachoti P, Kreitzer MJ, Savik K, Hertz M, Gross C (2001). Use of complementary therapies, adherence and quality of life in lung transplant recipients. Heart Lung Journal Vol 30(4):258-268.
- Hageness S, Kreitzer MJ, Kinney ME (2002). Complementary, integrative, and holistic care in emergency nursing. Nursing Clinics of North America Vol 37(1):123-133.
- Kreitzer MJ, Mitten D, Harris I, Shanedling J (2002). Attitudes Towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Medical, Nursing and Pharmacy Faculty and Students: A comparative analysis. Attitudes of Faculty and Students toward CAM. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine Vol 8(6):44-53.
- Kreitzer MJ, Snyder, M (2002). Healing the Heart: Integrating Complementary Therapies and Healing Practices into the Care of Cardiovascular Patients. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing Vol XVII (2):73-80.
- Disch J, Kreitzer MJ (2003). Shaping the Future of complementary and alternative therapies for critical care nursing. The Clinics of North America, Critical Care Nursing Clinics series September issue Vol 15(3):387-92.
- Halcon L, Chlan L, Kreitzer MJ, Leonard B (2003). Complementary therapies and healing practices: faculty/student beliefs and attitudes and the implications for nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing Vol 19(6)387-397.
- Gross CR, Kreitzer MJ, Russas V, Treesak C, Frazier P, Hertz M (2004). Mindfulness meditation to reduce symptoms after organ transplant: A pilot study. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine May/June Vol 10(3): 58-66
- McDonough-Means S, Kreitzer MJ, Bell I (2004). Fostering a Healing Presence and Investigating its Mediators. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Vol 10(S1):S25-S41.
- Kreitzer MJ, Gross C, Ye X, Russas V, Treesak C (2005) Longitudinal Impact of Mindfulness Meditation on Illness Burden in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: Results of a Pilot Study. Progress in Transplantation June Vol 15(2):166-172.
- Sierpina VS, Kreitzer MJ (2005). Innovations in Integrative Health Care Education. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing May (2005) Vol 1(3): 220-221.
- Kreitzer MJ (2005). The Practice of Nursing: The Challenge of Making the Invisible, Visible. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing May (2005) Vol 1(3)224-225.
- Sierpina VS, Kreitzer MJ (2005). Innovations in Integrative Health Care Education. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing March 2005 Vol 1(2): 140-141.
- Chlan L, Halcon L, Kreitzer MJ, Leonard B (2005). Influence of an Experiential Education Session on Nursing Students' Confidence Levels in Performing Selected Complementary Therapy Skills. Complementary Health Practice Review October 2005 Vol 10(3)189-201.
- Kreitzer MJ, Sierpina VS (2005). Innovations in Integrative Health Care Education. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing July 2005 Vol 1(4):308-309.
Academic Interests and Focus
Complementary Therapies and Healing Practices