Teddie M. Potter, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP
PhD, California Institute of Integral Studies (Humanities, Transformative Studies), 2010
MS, University of Minnesota (Nursing Higher Education), 1999
BSN, St. Olaf College (Nursing), 1979
Licensures and Certifications
Dr. Potter is deeply committed to climate change education including co-founding Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, membership in the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, and membership on the American Academy of Nursing Environment and Public Health Expert Panel. She is a member of the Coordinating Committee of Columbia University’s Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education and a Fellow in the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota. She chairs Clinicians for Planetary Health (C4PH) and is a member of the Steering Committee of the Planetary Health Alliance at Harvard.
At the University of Minnesota, Dr. Potter designed and co-teaches an interdisciplinary course titled “The Global Climate Challenge: Creating an Empowered Movement for Change”. In addition, she co-leads a Health Sciences initiative titled, “Climate Change and Health: An Interprofessional Response”. In 2019, Dr. Potter was appointed the first Director of Planetary Health for the School of Nursing.
In addition, Dr. Potter is Executive Editor for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies; a peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal promoting interdisciplinary collaboration as a solution for solving society’s grand challenges.
- Partnership and collaboration
- Cultural transformation
- Planetary Health and climate change
- Leadership and innovation
- Diversity and Inclusivity
- Systems Thinking
- Design Thinking
Awards & Recognition
- 2020 TRUST Award for Collaboration and Partnership
- 2019 Teaching of Social Engagement DAISY award
- 2018 Institute on the Environment Fellow
- 2018 Institute for Advanced Studies 5x5 Fellow
- 2016 University of Minnesota Graduate Student Advising Award
- 2015 Capstone International Nursing Book Award
- 2015 Induction as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing
- 2015 Josie R. Johnson Human Rights and Social Justice Award
- 2014 AJN Book of the Year Award: Transforming Interprofessional Partnerships: A New Framework for Nursing and Partnership-Based Health Care (Eisler & Potter, 2014)
Professional Associations
Professional Associations:
- Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments 2017-present
- American Academy of Nursing 2015-present
- International Academy of Nursing Editors 2015-present
- American Nurses Association 2010-present
- Minnesota Organization for Registered Nurses [MNORN]
- A constituent member of the ANA 2011-present
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society 1999-present
Additional Scholarly Activities:
Executive Editor, Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, an open access online peer-reviewed journal hosted by the University of Minnesota.
Research Summary/Interests
- Cultural Transformation
- Partnership-Based Health Care
- Collaborative Online International Learning
- Interdisciplinary teaching, practice, and research
Selected Publications:
- Bragadottir, H., & Potter, T. (2019). Educating nurse leaders to think globally with international collaborative learning. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 0(0), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1177/205715851985627
- Divakaran, B., Lembeck, S., Kerr, R., Calmus, H., & Potter, T. (2016). Nurses see 'the big picture': Addressing climate change as a social determinant of global health. Creative Nursing, 22(4), 243-248.
- Siddons, N., & Potter, T. (2016). Improving interdisciplinary relationships in primary care with the implementation of teamSTEPPS. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 3(1), article 6. Available at http://pubs.lib.umn.edu/ijps/vol3/iss1/6
- Potter, T. (2015). Partnership: Imaging a new model in health care. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 34(2), 57-62.
- Potter, T. (2015). To move health care to health caring: A conversation with Julie Kennedy Oehlert, DNP, RN. Creative Nursing, 21(1), 30-37.
- Potter, T., & Koehn, K. (2015). Making the choice clear: Partnership and domination examples from nursing practice. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 2(2).
- Eisler, R., & Potter, T. (2014). Breaking down the hierarchies: Riane Eisler and Teddie Potter argue that nursing needs a new organizational model built on collaborative teams. Nursing Management, 21(5), 12-12. doi.org/10.7748/nm.21.5.12.s13
- Eisler, R., & Potter, T. M. (2014). Transforming interprofessional partnerships: A new framework for nursing and partnership-based health care. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
- Kreitzer, M., & Koithan. (2014). Chapter 31: Pre-licensure nursing education for integrative nursing by Potter, T., Halcon, L., and Rowan, M. in Integrative Nursing. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Potter, T. M., Eisler, R., Lewis-Hunstiger, M. (2014). Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 1(1). Article 1. Available at: http://pubs.lib.umn.edu/ijps/vol1/iss1/1
- Potter, T. (2014). Partnership-based health care: Suggestions for effective application. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 1(1). Article 8. Available at: http://pubs.lib.umn.edu/ijps/vol1/iss1/8
- Potter, T. (2014). Partnership-based health care: Inviting the full potential of medical homes. Medical Home News, 6(11), 1-7.
- Potter, T., & Singh, V. (2013). Nursing by design: A non-dualistic approach to learning. Science and Non-duality Conference Proceedings.
- Potter, T. (2013). Transdisciplinarity: An innovative approach to nursing knowledge. Creative Nursing, 19(2), 64-69.
- Eisler, R., & Potter, T. M. (2014). Transforming interprofessional partnerships: A new framework for nursing and partnership-based health care. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
Chapters in a Book
- Potter, T., & Bragadottir, H. (2019). Collaborative online international learning (COIL): A new model of global education. In S. Dyson & M. McAllister (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of nurse education (1st ed., chapter 8, 103-114). Milton Park, UK: Routledge.
- Potter, T., & Brien, D. L. (2019). Historical models of resilience. In M. McAllister & D. L. Brien (Eds.), Empowerment strategies for nurses: Developing resilience in practice (pp. 29-42). New York, NY: Springer.
- Kreitzer, M., & Koithan. (2014). Chapter 31: Pre-licensure nursing education for integrative nursing by Potter, T., Halcon, L., and Rowan, M. in Integrative Nursing. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Gaugler, J. E., Potter, T., & Pruinelli, L. (2014). Partnering with family caregivers. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 30(3), 493-515.
Selected Presentations:
- Planetary Health Alliance Membership Conference
- (September 2019)
Stanford, CA
Breakout: “Who is involved in planetary health solutions?”
Breakout: “Becoming a Planetary Health Professional:
Theory to Practice” - 68th United Nations Civil Society conference
(August 2019)
Salt Lake City, UT
Breakout: “Climate Crisis or Opportunity? Nursing Actions for a Healthy Future” - TEAMSTEPPS MASTER TRAINING (May, 2016) Reykjavik, Iceland, Two Day Master Training Course for staff of Landspitali University of Iceland Hospital
- 3M HEALTH CARE ACADEMY: I.V. LEADERSHIP SUMMIT (April, 2015), Prague, Czech Republic, Keynote: “Partnership-Based Health Care: Leading a Culture Change that Promotes Quality, Safety, and Improved Outcomes”
- NORTH AMERICAN ICELANDIC LEAGUE Annual Conference (May, 2015), Breakout: “International Nursing Leadership, an Immersion in Iceland”
- INTERNATIONAL NURSING ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE (November, 2014) Dallas, Texas Panel presentation: “Predictive and Visualization Analytics, Big Data, Polarity & Partnerships – Your Future Depends On It”
- SIGMA THETA TAU 25TH INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONGRESS (July, 2014) Hong Kong, China, Plenary: “Applying Principles of Caring to Entire Systems.”
- INTERNATIONAL STUDENT NURSE LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM (May, 2014), Reykjavik, Iceland, Plenary: “The BASE of Nursing Practice: Promoting Nurses as Full Partners in Interprofessional Practice”
- 3M INTERNATIONAL INTRAVENOUS SUMMIT (April, 2014) Minneapolis, MN, Plenary: “Shifting the Nursing Paradigm Toward Partnership”
- 3M SUSTAINABILITY IN HEALTH CARE SUMMIT (September, 2016), Breakout: “Partnership: Creating a Culture of Sustainability”
- BARRY UNIVERSITY (June, 2016), Day-long workshop: Interprofessional Partnerships: The Theory and Science Behind Full Engagement”
- IOWA HEALTHCARE COLLABORATIVE (March, 2016), Keynote: “The Power of Partnership-Based Health Care”
- HRSA WEBINAR (Invited by Region VIII Federal Partners) (July, 2015), Lecture: “Eliminating Health Disparities with Partnership-Based Health Care”
- TRI-REGULATOR SYMPOSIUM: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF STATE BOARDS OF NURSING, PHARMACY, AND MEDICINE, Washington, DC (October, 2015), Plenary: “Successful Team Building and the Challenges We Face”
- AMERICAN ASSEMBLY FOR MEN IN NURSING, Minneapolis, MN (September, 2015), Plenary: “Partnerships: Essential Foundation for Effective Interprofessional Practice”
- Potter, T. (2013, August). Intentionally transforming health care: A partnership approach. Presentation at the Minnesota Holistic Nurses Association.
- Potter, T. (2013, June). Partnership: An essential paradigm for effective interprofessional collaboration. Presentation at Collaborating Across Borders IV. Vancouver, BC.
- Potter, T. (2012, September). Shifting the nursing paradigm: Creating passion through partnership. Presentation at the Minnesota Organization of Leaders in Nursing (MOLN).
- Potter, T. (2012, July). Belonging and connecting: The importance of nursing history for today’s students. Presentation at Sigma Theta Tau 23rd International Research Congress.
- Brisbane, Australia.
- Potter, T. (2012, February). Creating a Culture of Inclusivity: An Evidence-based Approach. Presentation at HealthForce Minnesota's Inclusivity Conference.
- Potter, T. (2011, March). Honoring the Past, Connecting the Present, Shaping the Future. Presentation at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Gender Studies Conference.
- Potter, T. (2010, April). Shifting our Paradigm towards Partnership. Presentation at Minnesota Health Educator's Conference.
- Potter, T. (2010, March). Sustainable Health Care: Planting Seeds of a New Paradigm. Presentation at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Sustainability Across the Continuum Conference.
- Potter, T. (2010, February). Partnership Strategies to Help Non-Native English Speakers Test Successfully. Presentation at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Webinar.
- Potter, T. (2010). The History of Nursing in Fundamental Textbooks: Challenging the Embedded Ideology. Paper presented at the International Perspectives on the History of Nursing, Royal Holloway University of London, UK.
- Potter, T. (2010). Recovering Lost Threads of the Story of Nursing: Illuminating Patterns of Partnership. Poster presented at the International Perspectives on the History of Nursing, Royal Holloway University of London, UK.
- Potter, T. (2009, September). Bushmen Healers of the Kalahari: Perspectives on healing and renewal. Keynote speaker at the Minnesota Holistic Nurses Association.
- Potter, T. (2009, September). Nursing Diverse Students to Success. Keynote Speaker at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities: Helping Diverse Nursing Students Succeed Conference.
- Potter, T. (2009). The Healing Philosophy of the Bushmen Healers of the Kalahari. Breakout session at the University of Minnesota and Lifescience Foundation Ways of Knowing Conference.
- Potter, T. (2009). Partnership: The Heart of Nursing Care. Breakout session at the Minnesota State College and University Annual ITeach Conference.
- Potter, T. (2005). Decrease the Nursing Shortage through Adequate Pay Compensation of Nursing Faculty. Breakout session at the APHA (American Public Health Association) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Potter, T. (2004). Complementary and Alternative Therapies: a Necessary Component of Today’s Nursing Curriculum. Keynote speaker at the Minnesota Health Educators Annual Conference.
- Potter, T. (2004). Use of Journaling to Enrich Student Learning. Breakout session at the Minnesota Health Educators Annual Conference.
Academic Interests and Focus
Planetary Health and Climate change; Movement building; Interprofessional and interdisciplinary education; Collaboration and partnership; Equity and Diversity
Teaching Areas
- Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice, Health Innovation and Leadership
- Grand Challenge Course 3010/5010: The Global Climate Challenge- Creating an Empowered Movement for Change
- Global Study Abroad courses: Iceland and Cuba