Purpose Quest

Join us for Purpose Quest


Sign Up for Purpose Quest

Purpose - and the exploration of purpose - is essential at every age and stage in life. While some people’s purpose over life endures and is unchanging, for many, their purpose evolves over their lifetime. It is very common for adults to re-frame or re-imagine their purpose in every decade.

Join us for a six week Purpose Quest - we will introduce you to a series of tools that you can use to explore your life purpose. Purpose Quest will begin on Feb. 4, and you'll receive additional emails on February 11, 18, and 25, and March 4 and 11.

Sign up here.

Topics will include:

  • Week 1 The Power of Purpose and Perspective
  • Week 2 Dreaming and Visioning
  • Week 3 Re-packing your Bags
  • Week 4 The Good Life
  • Week 5 Exploring Your Gifts, Passions and Values
  • Week 6 Writing a Purpose Statement

Each week via email, you'll receive a short 3-5 minute video and a journal prompt that invites you to explore your life purpose. You can complete each weekly activity whenever is most convenient for you.

You can complete the series on your own, or better yet, consider inviting a few friends to join you!

This experience is free-of-charge thanks to our generous donor Mara Minerva Melum.

If you have questions about the series, please contact the Bakken Center's community relations office at [email protected] or 612-625-8164.