CSPH 3211: Living on Purpose: An Exploration of Self, Purpose, and Community

Course will meet primarily online, but will have required in person dates. Check the Schedule Builder for in person meeting dates and times.  

Undergraduate students with sophomore status or above.
A mountainside covered in grass and trees

Course Description

What makes you want to get out of bed in the morning? Reflecting on questions like this allows you to explore your purpose in life. Living on Purpose is a course designed to help you get curious about the meaning of YOUR life and your purpose right now, today, as a college student. This course is a hybrid model with in person retreats meeting in the Meditation Space on campus and asynchronous content on Canvas which includes mindfulness practices, podcasts, readings, group discussions, individual work and many ways to express your self-reflections. There is something for everyone in this 2 credit upper division elective course.

Living on Purpose is a course designed to help students explore questions of meaning and purpose in college and in their lives. In this class, students will examine the context and meaning of their own lives, explore other peoples’ ways of living on purpose, and consider the big questions that shape their present and future. Through in-person classes, readings, videos, reflections, experiential exercises, and assignments, the course will offer students time to examine and perhaps define their own purpose and what it means to live more purposefully at this time in their lives. Ultimately, the course aims to help build a framework to support living on purpose now and into the future.

Contact [email protected] for additional information.

Course Format
Semester Course Offered:
  • Fall
  • Spring
Course Category:

CSPH 3211 Course Flyer (PDF)